April 6, 2012

the night i ran to love

Here is another story from the crush I had on Lawal. if you don't know who Lawal is, please read: Where it ALL started: http://roamingseries.blogspot.com/2011/11/where-it-all-started.html

As you all know Lawal was cocoa brown-skinned with toned muscles in our teenage years (which I still think is the reason I’m attracted to a certain type of men till date.)
Anyways remember the exam prep classes we were attending?  It was a group of about 20-25 Upper Middle-Class children between 16 and 18 years of age. It was this post-high-school limbo where we spent time waiting for college acceptance during the summer. Naturally, we had the cliques but not exactly like high school; I mean that would be totally lame since we are not in high school anymore right? WRONG! Eddie – one of the boys in Lawal’s clique was having a party and everyone was invited.  I will dare not even think of asking my parents if I could go. Seriously… I knew better: 
There was church service every night (or at least it felt like every night) &
My father... Period, Point blank, Enough said
But deep down inside I really wanted to go to this party. I mean DAMN! Imagine my Lawal & me??? Finally dancing the social flirting game. He was the only guy I had eyes for. (Just the thought of him sent tingling things down my spine.) 
Olivia my so called BFF at the time was going to the party and she kept busting my balls about Chichi being there and stealing my boo if I didn’t come. I was so determined to go that I figured out a plan on how I was going to make it to this party. WITHOUT MY PARENT KNOWING.
NO! It was not the stuff-your-bed-with-pillows trick. It was much simpler than that. I was simply going to walk out the front door and use church to my advantage.
On that given Saturday,  Olivia  came over & hung out with me. Then around 5-ish, I told my Mother we were going to take a walk, which was not suspicious at all. Our parents usually let us roam around visiting neighborhood friends in the summer to keep us out of their hair; but, there was always the universal “street lights” curfew.
How was I going to pull this off? Don’t bother your pretty little head just chill & read …
Around 6 pm I came back to the house and lingered around my mother in such a way as to get under her skin and annoy her. When she finally got fed up and snapped at me that was my little opening! Fail proof plan!
I asked her if I could go hang out with Olivia till it was time for church then I could possibly walk from there and meet them at church. It was just about the same distance walking to prep-classes. I guess she was irritated enough to agree. 
BOOM! Like lightening, I was out. Being a tomboy, I was already dressed. Jeans, one of my million collection of tops & jelly-sandals, what else did I need?
I met Olivia at the estate gate and my heart sunk. She was dressed to the nine! I looked like her broke ass side kick; my heart started to play Bach’s Fugue in D minor and drums! 
Forget what Olivia looks like. What about Chichi what will she look like? Will I be attractive to Lawal. Will he notice me?
Well I didn’t find out. Soon as we got to  Eddie's street I told Olivia my stomach hurt like I was having cramps and I didn’t have any tampons … I did end up in church that evening praying for major forgiveness. 
To help you understand the Lawal series please read: Where it ALL started: http://roamingseries.blogspot.com/2011/11/where-it-all-started.html