November 29, 2011

My PORN Name is Misty N

Most people will not admit this, but if you have ever watched porn, the good ones not the rubbish homemade crap, most of us wish two things
  1. Having the Greek goodly body & body parts of the actors and actresses and
  2. The tricks, skill set and ability to do Everything they do while having your partner climbing up the wall.
As long as these thoughts are healthy& not obsessive compulsive in nature, then anything is possible. Don’t get mad at me for quoting the bible here but the good book says “whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”

However, nearly all things in life require a little more than just believing to get a step closer to the goal.

In good health I have decided to pull that sexy ass porn star in me out.
STEP One: stick with a healthier life style and exercise routine to lose the pounds.
STEP Two: study good porn movies and practice what I see. Practice makes perfect right?

NOW Don’t get me wrong I get an "A" in the sack skills. But essentially I am saying that instead of sitting around moaning and groaning [no pun intended] about everything that I wish I could do, I’m just going to get up and do it. Nothing in life comes easy!

Naturally I expect to fall a few times and I expect all kinds of stumbling blocks along the way, the Psalm says "for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again..." {Yes I will use bible verses as it suits me. that's what it’s there for}

No matter what it is that I want, good or bad I won’t stop chasing my realistic dreams. All I need is Faith the size of a mustard seed and I can tell ANY mountain move out of my way& it will disappear.

WATCH OUT WORLD here comes “Misty N”


  1. You are too real always...Love ya..

  2. Babes, I'm so amused by this!!! Didn't know you were a blogger, but this is so real! As real as it can get! I'm especially amused by the bible quotations, lol!
    Lil Sister

  3. @ Anonymous: LOVE YA 2!

    @ Fairy GodSister... LOL... thanks! that's a big compliment from one blogger to another... I'm just finally bold enough to put it all out there...

  4. I can't believe you teach kids. What would your students think? Hashouma

  5. guurrllll this be sh@niqu@ johnson @Nd i Is @ tRue F@n oF Yo sToRies GGGGuuUUUURRRllll, h@TErs GOnnNa KeeEp H@ting!

  6. LOL @ Anonymous @ Mar 8: "Hashouma" 4 real...

    Thanks Anonymous @ Mar 10

  7. Ahem....I am calling your mother NOW NOW!!!
